Partner 28 – Danube Delta National Institute for Research (DDNI)

DDNI, Tulcea, Romania. Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development (DDNI) was established in 1970 and it has as the main objective the performance of the fundamental and applied research in a variety of topics including (i) structure, evolution and function of the specific wetland ecosystems; (ii) monitoring of the biological diversity and environmental factors; (iii) modelling the processes that are the basis of ecosystem functioning; (iv) sustainable use of the biological natural resources (fish, vegetation, game and landscape); (v) assessment and reduction of the human impact; (vi) restoration and rehabilitation of the ecosystems that have been injured by the negative human activity; ecological restoration; (vii) ecological rehabilitaton of some threatened species. Due to its expertise in the wetlands fauna’s biology and ecology, DDNI has been involved in several national and international projects. The present project is involving a research team including the Ornithology and Hunting and Game labs stuff in the Danube Delta Institute. This team will participate in the Mosquito borne diseases subproject, with field based research to understand the enzootic transmission West Nile virus in the Danube Delta and its emergence in human settlements. The team will work especially in WP 1.10 - 1.14 and will help the Cantacuzino Institute team to reach goals in the other work-packages.

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