Partner 7 – Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical (IHMT)

IHMT, Lisbon, Portugal, is a graduate school in International Health and Tropical Medicine. It is integrated in the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), developing teaching (Post-graduation and Masters courses) and scientific activities in several fields of biomedical sciences related to Tropical Medicine (Molecular Biology, Bacteriology, Parasitology, Genetics, Entomology and Immunology), in the clinic and pathology of tropical diseases and in International Health. IHMT has a wide experience in health global initiatives and in the establishment of partnerships with Africa, South America and Asia and collaborates fully with EU institutions. IHMT as also contributed to the reinforcement of global health planning actions in order to obtain rational and efficient responses to Public Health to global threats.

The Leishmaniasis Unit integrates a nationally funded research Centre (Centro de Malária e Outras Doenças Tropicais - CMDT) on development of immunological and molecular technologies. Research interests include vector and host-parasite interactions, development of tools for human and canine leishmaniasis diagnosis and molecular epidemiology. The Leishmaniasis Unit has conducted fieldwork activities in endemic areas and developed diagnosis methodologies for epidemiological studies of vector, canine and human Leishmania infection, development and validation of serological assays and novel molecular tools. Experimental canine and rodent models have been established towards immunological studies, vaccines and therapeutic assays. In this Unit, in vitro drugs susceptibility and entomological studies have been carried out.

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